
RDX Zippered Men Sweat Vest

€27,67 €24,06 Sale
inkl. MwSt.
Color: Black
Size: M
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Product Description

Esse colete de moletom masculino campeão ecológico (certificado REACH e OEKO-TEX 100!) aumenta a sua queima com 5x a potência do suor, graças ao forro azul do Heat Suit™ Tech. O tecido que abraça o corpo se move com você, esculpindo seu físico, enquanto um zíper oculto e detalhes refletivos mantêm você concentrado e visível. De corridas ao amanhecer a HIITs ardentes, você transpira de forma mais inteligente, não mais intensa, com essa maravilha versátil. Sua jornada fitness, redefinida.  

  • Mantém os padrões REACH e OEKO-TEX 100 para sessões de suor seguras, de alta qualidade e ambientalmente conscientes.  
  • A tecnologia Heat Suit™ incorpora o tecido Instant Sweat™ com um forro azul  especializado para aumentar a produção de suor em 5x e reter o calor do corpo de forma eficaz.  
  • A costura de precisão no material elástico e ajustado ao corpo garante a estética e a mobilidade irrestrita.  
  • Zíper frontal oculto com presilha de proteção da pele para uso sem esforço.  
  • Maior visibilidade em condições de pouca luz com um emblema refletivo na frente e uma faixa traseira.  
  • A tubulação de spandex evita que você escorregue, garantindo desempenho e forma duradouros.  
  • Um design de gola ajustada aumenta o apelo estético e eleva o estilo do seu treino.  
  • Adequado para vários exercícios, desde corridas de lazer até sessões de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade.
Shipping & Return Policy
  • Please order before  UK14:00 for your order to be shipped TODAY.
  • Delivery within the UNITED KINGDOM will be within 4-6 working days.
  • For delivery rates of heavy items to your destination, please click here.
  • In case you are not satisfied with the product or due to any other reason, you may return the item to us for a 100% refund.
  • For returning a heavy item, a collection will be arranged at your doorstep or Prepaid return label will be provided for heavy item(s) return purpose. click here
Color: Black
Size: M


What is a Zippered Men's Sweat Vest?

Zippered Men's Sweat Vest is a fitness garment with a front zipper, designed to increase body temperature and promote sweating during exercise. It's used to enhance calorie burning, leading to natural sweating to achieve weight loss.

How does it work?

It works by raising your body temperature, causing increased sweating during exercise,and leading to water weight loss and a boost in calorie burn.

Is it comfortable to wear during intense workouts?

Yes, RDX sweat vest is made from safe and comfortable materials compliant with REACH and OEKO-TEX 100 standards. The sleeveless design with side panels and anti-slip gripper tape around the edges make it very comfortable to wear during intense workouts.

Can I wear it discreetly under clothing or during outdoor activities?

Yes. It clings to the skin and fits like a glove, which means one can wear it under clothing or during outdoor activities without it getting noticed.

What's the recommended care routine to maintain it?

To maintain your sauna vest, hand wash with mild detergent in cold water. Don’t use harsh detergent or washing material. Air dry it to preserve quality, and avoid fabric softeners or direct sunlight when storing.

How does it work to enhance workouts?

A sauna vest enhances workouts by increasing body temperature during exercise, promoting profuse sweating. This can temporarily boost calorie burn and water weight loss. However, it's important to stay well-hydrated and use it with caution.

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